Το ETSC σε ανακοίνωσή του επισημαίνει την εξέλιξη των συμβάντων οδικής ασφάλειας στην Ευρώπη για το 2014
Το 2014 παρατηρήθηκε η μικρότερη μείωση σε θανάτους σε τροχαία συμβάντα οδικής ασφάλειας στην Ε.Ε. από το 2001. Στα θετικά ότι η Ελλάδα παρουσίασε μείωση πάνω από 10%.
Worst annual reduction in EU road deaths since 2001
25,845 people killed on roads in EU28 in 2014 as a consequence of road collisions (decrease of just 0.6% compared to 2013)
Almost 8% reduction now needed every year between 2015 and 2020 in order to reach the EU target for 2020 to halve the number of road deaths compared to 2010
203,500 people recorded as seriously injured by the police in the 23 EU countries that distinguish between serious and slightly injured in their data (increase of 3% compared to 2013)
Slovenia receives 2015 Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) award for substantial long term progress and high level political commitment to road safety
Progress on reducing road deaths in the EU slowed to just -0.6% last year, the worst annual reduction since the first common EU target was set in 2001, according to new analysis published today by the European Transport Safety Council. EU member states now need to cut deaths by almost 8% each year until 2020 to meet the target set in 2010 to halve deaths within a decade.
France, Ireland, Germany and the UK were among the 12 EU member states that saw an increase in the number of road deaths last year compared to 2013. On a positive note Croatia, Slovenia, Finland, Greece, Luxembourg and Malta all recorded reductions of around 10% or more.
Antonio Avenoso, Executive Director of the ETSC commented:
“These latest figures reinforce the message that road safety requires consistent political support at the highest level, constant vigilance on enforcement and network safety management, and the need to respond to evolving challenges such as increased numbers of people walking and cycling and an ageing society. It’s very disappointing to see the UK, a road safety champion, dropping its guard in recent years: we are now seeing the fallout with progress slowing and even going into reverse.“
“Slovenia, our 2015 PIN Award winner, deserves huge credit for its commitment to robust targets, establishment of a dedicated road safety agency and a detailed plan of action. Nevertheless, Slovenia has a lot of work still to do to close the gap with the safest countries.”
Slovenia has reduced annual road deaths by 61% since 2001. The country’s long term progress and high-level commitment to road safety will be recognised at an event being held today in Brussels. ETSC will present its annual Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) award to Peter Gašperšič, Slovenia’s Minister of Infrastructure.
Today’s new figures show that in 2014, more than 200,000 people were seriously injured in road collisions, a rise of 3% in one year. The numbers of people suffering life-changing injuries have fallen more slowly than deaths for several years and even increased last year. ETSC is deeply concerned that a planned EU strategic target to reduce serious injuries appears to have been dropped despite being repeatedly promised by the current European Commission (1).
ETSC is calling for the EU to commit to making key safety technologies such as Automated Emergency Braking (AEB), overridable Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA), intelligent seat belt reminders for passenger seats and an interface for alcohol interlock devices to be made standard on all new vehicles. A proposal for revised vehicle safety standards is expected later this year.
The 2015 ETSC PIN report can be downloaded from http://etsc.eu/3asD4.
Notes to editors
(1) See: http://etsc.eu/commission-road-safety-review-leaves-out-serious-injury-target/
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